The importance of workplace socialising

Socialising with work colleagues, can benefit your business as much as your employees. A summer work social event could improve team work and increase motivation at work. Socialising with colleagues helps people build good relationships and alleviate work stress.

With the first day of summer being this week (yes how did that happen - we won’t mention it was the longest day and that we’re nearly half way through the year already), why not arrange a summer party or gathering to show your employees that they are valued and create a culture that people want to be part of!

How about hosting a picnic in the park and playing cricket or rounders - or maybe you could book an activity like an escape room. Or you could book a space in a bar or restaurant and serve drinks and canapés, so your employees can sit back, relax and chat!

Don’t forget to remind your people of your policy on workplace social events - just to be sure that they know what behaviour is acceptable, and what could be the consequence if they don’t follow the guidelines.

Need help with a policy to outline this? Get in touch with Stanley & Davis and we can create a bespoke policy for you.


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