Nine Dot Problem
When we’re faced with a problem, we often make assumptions. Sometimes people get stuck with their usual perspective or way of thinking and need help to think differently. Generating options, means that you can choose from a bunch of possible solutions!
When faced with the nine dot problem - no one said that the line has to go through the centre of the dots, no one said you couldn’t fold the paper or cut the paper… and what if you didn’t use four lines, but three or two or one instead - how does this change your perspective on this problem?
When we make false assumptions about a problem, the solution is much harder to find. Be creative, think outside the box - ask yourself ‘what is the biggest barrier to this problem?’. If there were no barriers, how could you solve the problem?
Get in touch with Stanley & Davis to discuss how we can help you introduce people practices to inspire high performance in your business.
Some possible nine dot solutions!