Supporting your employees’ financial wellbeing

Your employees are more likely to have time off work if they have financial worries - financial worries impact productivity at work and can also cause presenteeism. Those people with financial worries are more likely to have mental health difficulties. As an employer you can embed financial wellbeing in your overall HR and wellbeing strategy. Here are some tips on how you can do this…

  1. Pay a fair wage to stop your employees from falling into financial poverty

  2. Offer employee benefits that reduce living costs

  3. Provide financial education to your employees through webinars or using online resources

  4. Offer financial health clinics to advise your employees on things like mortgages, emergency savings and retirement planning

  5. Communicate about financial wellbeing, encourage your employees to talk about financial issues and offer signposting or debt counselling to those that need it

Get in touch with Stanley & Davis to help you implement an HR Wellbeing Strategy including financial wellbeing!


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